Wednesday, February 10, 2010

High Tech High

I'm intrigued by these charter schools. I think they are doing such creative, alternative things and have bumped into a few teachers who work here. One teacher was an artist who never went to college. He is now teaching at High Tech High in Point Loma and getting his teaching credential at the same time there.

Just look at a few of their key details and projects:

"High Tech High began in 2000 as a single charter high school launched by a coalition of San Diego business leaders and educators. It has evolved into an integrated network of schools spanning grades K-12, housing a comprehensive teacher certification program and a new, innovative Graduate School of Education."

Featured Project: Cuentos Infantiles Students produced Spanish children’s books and gave them to Spanish-speaking children

Featured Project: Media Saves the Beach

Eleventh grade students test local watersheds for their biological health and transform the experimental knowledge and their experiences into multimedia pieces.

High Tech High: A Snapshot for 2010
Nine schools (five high schools, three middle schools, and one elementary school)

Approximately 3500 students

Approximately 300 employees

100 percent of graduates have been accepted to college, 80% to four-year institutions

Budget of $23 million

High Tech High Goals

  • Serve a student body that mirrors the ethnic and socioeconomic diversity of the local community.

  • Integrate technical and academic education to prepare students for post-secondary education in both high tech and liberal arts fields.
  • Increase the number of educationally disadvantaged students in math and engineering who succeed in high school and post-secondary education.

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